Yesterday, I held back the tears as I was immediately reminded of being at Brownsville Revival when I was about 16 years old. As I looked to my right, a few people over from me, there was a young man holding his glasses in his hand with tears rolling down his face. I could hear him pleading to God in desperation to restore his terrible eyesight and ditch those hated glasses (and to probably erase all the memories of being teased for wearing glasses and being skinny).
As I looked over in the passenger seat of my car, that same exact young man was sitting there as I drove him home from the eye doctor yesterday afternoon. That experience at Brownsville from almost 19 years ago was as clear as the day I was there – a vision that I’m positive was left in my memory for a reason. It’s strange that I remember it so vividly, especially since I didn’t really know him yet (we started dating over a year later). He wasn’t healed that night during the revival, but in the moment yesterday, I was instantly reminded again that God’s ways are not our ways. And when you think it’s over, it’s not. He’s not done yet.
I couldn’t be more happy for Ernie as I looked over at him with glassy, red eyes. He is healed!! Almost 19 years later – not totally by our own doing, and via the least expected route. Surprise!
He has been wanting to get LASIK for as long as I can remember. But, as we all know, it is a want. If we’re selfless and wise, “wants” come after important needs are met. And because of the frugal way we’ve been living for the past 7 years, along with saving up for many important things, it just hasn’t been in our budget quite yet. We were getting there, but very slowly. You see, ever since we’ve gotten out of debt, we’ve been able to make the choice to have more family time over making extra money – whereas before that, we could never make those choices because we had to work, work, work to make that money to pay our bills. Being debt-free gives you those choices – and it’s wonderful.
Since we switched our health insurance to an HSA a few years ago (Dave’s recommendations), we have saved lots of money on our health insurance. It only costs a fraction of what traditional insurance costs, and since we hardly visit the doctor, it benefits us well. A Health Savings Account is just that – savings that is to be used for medical purposes only (although, at retirement age, it can be used for anything).
Long story short, I was setting up our new HSA in February, and to my surprise…
…there was a huge chunk of change sitting in there. Ummmmm….?!
So, how did that much money get into our HSA so quickly? At first, I thought it was a mistake, and then I remembered that the new company he started working for in December may have some type of benefit for HSA holders.
That’s exactly what it was!!! His company gives a certain amount for HSA holders every year for medical purposes! We knew right away what we were going to use that medical bonus for. Ernie immediately set up his consultation with a specialist, and he ended up going with a procedure called PRK/ASA. The healing time may take longer for PRK, but the safety is greater than LASIK and is now more preferred by surgeons.
To some, this may seem like a minute little detail in the life of ordinary us, but I don’t take it lightly. And for someone who can’t see but only 12 inches from their face, this is a huge blessing and surprise! The moment he sat down in the passenger seat of my car yesterday, that flashback confirmed that this was an answered prayer from a long time ago (and probably more than just that one time, I’m sure).
Blessings are all around us…
…if we’re looking for them.
…the air we breathe, the provisions that are made everyday just for us to live, the simple things of waking up in the morning, and the grace given to be able to get through tough times. Not everyone wakes up in the morning. We’ve been through so much in our life, and I look back quite often as a reminder of how far we have come in so many ways. I try to make an effort to be more thankful and more grateful for something small every day.
One who is faithful in very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in very little is also dishonest in much. ~ Luke 16:10

Sometimes we wonder if our prayers will ever be answered or if we’ll ever be healed. There’s so many variables to all of that (which I won’t get into), but by sharing this simple story of how God can work in many different ways and through many different people, I don’t want one day to go by without giving Him all the glory for something that we all too often may take for granted.
We can see Him in everything if we’re paying attention.
Just because it wasn’t delivered in the exact way that we expected it to be or in the very moment that we wanted it most, it doesn’t mean that miracles don’t exist or that they will never come. Be thankful for what is now, and let God take care of the rest. There are brighter days ahead.
And because I’m reminded of a song for everything, I can hear the song “Even If” by MercyMe as I write this. I hope this blesses you today and that you never give up faith in God when things don’t go like you expected! He is still God, Yahweh, Creator, Provider, and Healer!
Wishing quick healing/recovery Ernie!!! God is good
Thank You!!
Praise God. Your story filled my heart of happiness for Ernie. I can’t wait to hear the recover progress story
Thanks Mrs Myrna! Had a checkup today, and everything looks great! He is healing well, just very sensitive to light for a few days.
That is Awesome!!! Happy for you brother in law!!