Reading Time: 4 minutesYesterday, I held back the tears as I was immediately reminded of being at Brownsville Revival when I was about 16 years old. As I looked to my right, a few people over from me, there was a young man holding his glasses in his hand with tears rolling down his face. I could hear …
Reading Time: 3 minutesApparently, different parts of the nation (and probably the world) have different versions of potato salad. Once, while on a women’s conference trip in Atlanta, Georgia, we were having lunch at a fancy restaurant. I ordered potato salad and soup, and to my surprise, it was not the potato salad I expected. It was absolutely …
GUMBO (with bone broth)
Reading Time: 6 minutesI grew up disliking gumbo, and as a Cajun, this is almost unheard of. This is basically a staple meal in every home in Cajun country, and every family has their own way of creating it. Actually, I didn’t care to eat any food that used a roux in the making of it. But since …
Reading Time: 6 minutesThis past month, I’ve really been focusing on ways to improve my time management. Ah… time management. It’s that one thing that so many of us struggle with. Calendars, command centers, phone alarms and reminders, etc. – but that’s only just a tiny part of it.
WHAT SEASON ARE YOU IN? …and what to do with it
Reading Time: 3 minutesQuite a few years back, I remember when I was tucking in my oldest for bed one night, and as I laid down beside him, tears filled my eyes. Pregnant with our second child,
Reading Time: 4 minutesWhy do I make my own granola bars? Have you seen the price of organic snack bars? Have you read the ingredients? Not only are homemade bars cost efficient, but I know what the ingredients are, and I can choose what I put in them. You know, like custom made. Most snack bars’ first ingredient …
Reading Time: 5 minutesI haven’t exactly followed the original family recipe this whole time I’ve been making it and sort of “eye-balled” some things. So the last time I made it, I wrote down exactly what I did so I could share! I know many people who call this dish “Sweet Potato Crunch,” but the original recipe that …
BEST ROLLS EVER | Melt-in-Your-Mouth Bread Rolls
Reading Time: 6 minutesI know the title of this recipe is an “opinion,” but it really is a reliable one! I had quite a few people asking for this recipe, so I definitely want to share the wealth. These rolls are slightly sweet, slightly yeasty, and fluffy. They’re not like “cafeteria” rolls (which I am NOT against by …
Reading Time: 9 minutesLast year, I began seeing a chiropractor because of constant pain in my neck and shoulder area. My first visit began with an interview and a few simple tests, such as a hand strength test. Another was an oxygen + CO2 level test, which involved taking deep breaths while my finger was inserted into a …
THE UNGRATEFUL TRAIN: A Perspective I Didn’t Expect
Reading Time: 4 minutesAfter having a rental car for 22 days, I couldn’t have been more excited to get my car back Tuesday! When the guy drove up in it, it was nicer than I remembered, and then when I opened the door,
THE UNGRATEFUL TRAIN: A Perspective I Didn’t ExpectRead More
LIFE WITH ROUX #002: Natural Dog Care 101
Reading Time: 9 minutesSince we live a holistic, natural lifestyle, it only made sense for us to give this same life to our new fur-family member! We discovered that it doesn’t take much effort on our part to give this life gift to our dog because we already have everything we need to feed her. We don’t buy …
PARMESAN-CRUSTED CHICKEN BAKE | A Naturally Low-Carb, 30-Minute Meal
Reading Time: 3 minutesA few years ago, I found a Hellmann’s mayonnaise recipe online that looked really good. I’m glad I gave it a try because it has become one of my family’s favorite meals. I’ve tweaked it a little, and of course, I now use my easy homemade mayonnaise. This is a meal that doesn’t require much …
PARMESAN-CRUSTED CHICKEN BAKE | A Naturally Low-Carb, 30-Minute MealRead More
Reading Time: 4 minutesMayonnaise is a condiment that I wasn’t always too fond of. The vinegar-y smell and the high-fat content wasn’t always very appealing to me. Now that I know the truth about good fats and how good they are for us, I look at mayonnaise a little differently – homemade mayonnaise, that is. It’s a matter …
Weekly Meal Planner + Shopping List | Free Printable
Reading Time: 4 minutesRecently, I found myself trying to figure out what I’m going to be feeding everyone for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Even though I already planned my meals, I noticed that I was still going to the store more often than I wanted, and ultimately spending more than I intended. With school right around the …
Weekly Meal Planner + Shopping List | Free PrintableRead More
Homeschooling Myths I Once Believed: Until I Actually Did It
Reading Time: 14 minutesUntil I actually dove into homeschooling myself, there were some things that I didn’t fully understand. Don’t homeschool kids become hermit crabs and unsociable from being home all day? Aren’t there certain “requirements” for the kids to be able to “keep up” with the kids in public school? Would I really be able to homeschool …
Homeschooling Myths I Once Believed: Until I Actually Did ItRead More